Big 4 Photo Sculpture
Bienvenue sur le blog Je vais vous donner une image de sculpture avec une qualité HD. Sculpture de glace, statue en bois, sculpture en pierre, sculpture de jardin et autres.
La sculpture est la branche des arts visuels qui opère en trois dimensions. C'est l'un des arts plastiques. Processus sculpturaux durables utilisés à l'origine sculpture (enlèvement de matière) et de modélisation (ingrédients, tels que l'argile), dans la pierre, métal, céramique, bois et autres matériaux, depuis le modernisme, il y a presque liberté de matériaux et de processus. Une grande variété de matériaux peut être travaillée par extraction, telle que la sculpture, l'assemblage par soudage ou modelage, ou le moulage ou la coulée.�Big 4� by Freestate & Atelier One, 2007
Channel Four Television Corporation
Horseferry Road
London, September 2016
Channel Four Television Corporation
Horseferry Road
London, September 2016
�The design and construction of the Big 4 was a collaboration between Mike Smith Studio, Freestate and Atelier One, and was designed to show Channel 4s logo when the statue is correctly aligned. The statue itself is made out of steel bars, and the structure was Fabricated by Mike Smith Studio. The intention was to allow other artists to use the framework of the statue for art installations. The statue is located outside the headquarters of Channel Four Television Corporation on Horseferry Road, London. It was unveiled on 16 October 2007 by Culture Minister Margaret Hodge, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Channel 4 and to coincide with the television series The Big Art Project.� (Big 4, Wikipedia)
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